Nancy (not her real name) had given up hope. Betrayed by her father… her uncle, her brothers… betrayed by her trusted pastor… marks on her wrists… gashes elsewhere on her arms made to ease the pain of her perceived guilt… full of shame.. tired of trying… tired of choosing life. She sat across from me, eyes downward. “You’re not going to believe me anyway,” she said.
Fast forward two and a half years later.
This time we met at her house over tea and Oreo cookies. “Yesterday I read about the woman who touched the hem of Jesus’ coat because she needed to be healed. I told God I was going to hang on tightly to Him just like she did until He healed me too.”
What made the difference? Why the change? The process was a long, slow one that included a caring community that came alongside her in her woundedness — friends, an understanding husband, a pastor who really cared, a small group at the church who knew how to help and most of all, a growing connection with the Lord and His powerful Word.
What part did Lydia Discipleship Ministries play? LDM was involved in many levels — praying with her, caring, connecting her with Him through our hope-filled resources and training those around her to appropriately disciple her.
“God has used your Meditation Cards at just the right time to speak hope and truth to my heart. I am so grateful to God for placing you in my life and for the relationship you have with Him.”
“The book, The Roar of the Lamb, touched me deeply and was extremely convicting. I am digging deeper into His word and spending more time praying.”
“We’ve been studying Getting to Know the Father in small group for those with trauma in their past. They don’t see Him accurately. But they have been uncovering distortions about Him and learning to trust the Father. As you say – Truth changes lives.”
“Our team has just completed the sixth week of How to Be a Barnabas. Everyone has found the series so helpful and is looking forward to week seven and eight! We have decided that we would really like to use the Barnabas training for all our new volunteers.”
“I am part of a national group of centres across Canada. I’d like to post on our group’s Facebook page about our team’s experience with LDM materials, so they can explore your resources for their centres too.”
“Thanks again for your faithful commitment to teach and support those of us who are stepping out to minister to such precious, hurting people.”
“I want to personally thank you for supporting me during the two years I was counseling. I greatly benefited from the phone conversations with you and also from your wonderful training materials.”
“He is the only chain breaker, heart healer and mighty, eternal King! The lives that are touched by His work in LDM are so precious to Him. Keep on looking to our Victor, Jesus Christ!”
“Thank you for the opportunity to give to LDM. Thank you for this ministry. Because of it, I continue to have freedom in my life.”
“I like the new look of your website. It is great to find a ministry that stays true to the Bible and also ministers to the emotional aspect of healing.”
LDM has an international impact with visitors to our website from all over the world. These include those from Myanmar, Ghana, India, China, Vietnam and many other countries.